RGB Marketing
Digital Marketing Company

RGB Marketing
Digital Marketing Company


Since its inception, RGB Marketing was conceived with a futuristic perspective, anticipating that online communication would become so complex that only a dedicated team could explore all its possibilities.

RGB was born and maintained its focus on digital marketing precisely because it understood that it would be an extensive universe, and "doing everything" with quality would be technically unfeasible.

The agency's structure was designed to bring together talents from various areas of knowledge essential for success in the digital world.

Official opening of the agency in Sertãozinho, São Paulo - Brazil, which at the time had only 1 support staff member.

First Top of Mind award, demonstrating the strength and presence of the RGB brand in the region. Since then, RGB has won 12 Top of Mind awards.

Opening of the branch in Ribeirão Preto, which started as a commercial service point and now has more than 16 staff members.

We surpassed the 30-employee mark, strengthening our distinctive feature of being a Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency.

In 2019, we doubled our physical space and incorporated a video production studio focused on the internet.

Acquisition of a portion of Fusion Studio. The company is now responsible for video and branding productions for RGB's clients.

We achieved the Google Partners Premier classification. This means that we are now among the top 3% of Google partners.

We surpassed the 40-employee mark in the RGB Group.

We were invited to join the exclusive Google Connected Leader group. A 12-month program where we will be responsible for taking paid traffic to a new level using new metrics and AI.

Opening of the branch in Orlando, Florida, USA. One of the biggest and most important steps in RGB history.

Brands that
trust RGB

Rubens Galvani

On the internet, every day brings a new channel or a new way to generate results for our clients.

Having a team focused on the online environment allows us to stay ahead and have a deeper understanding to seize the opportunities that 'pop up' on the internet."

Partner Seals

Our Google Partners (Top 3% Nationwide) and RD Station strengthen partnerships with major platforms and provide our clients with technical expertise, differentiated service, and proven results.

Junior Galvani
Business Director

We have developed a working methodology that utilizes the best of each online channel, such as Website, Store, Google, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, Linkedin, Email Marketing, etc...

By choosing and intelligently using these tools, we can segment, reach, recover, convert, and retain our client's audience. This methodology is technically structured, hitting the target directly, avoiding budget and time wastage.

+ 18
+ 18 years
of evolution
+ 1500
+ 1500
websites published
+ 650
+ 650
websites optimized
+ 450
+ 450
active clients
+ 40
+ 40

Ricardo Galvani
Creative Director

People who make the difference.

We take pride in looking at the team of over 40 professionals we have assembled. They are committed individuals with knowledge in various areas of digital marketing. This mix allows each person to grow rapidly and stay motivated, improving the environment and generating collective learning.

Interaction occurs in all areas, ensuring that each professional is concerned with the impact of their work on the next.

Alef Teixeira
Performance Director

Performance is about connecting people.

Always present in the palm of our hands and with infinite possibilities. The internet is where we can be who we are and expand our horizons. It is made by people, for people, and is an entire universe to be explored.

Digital performance is about connecting people, and that's the role of RGB: to ensure that you connect with your customer at the right moment and with the right message.

Let's talk about your project?

Fill out the form or contact us through the following contacts:

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