Pages focused on
Higher Conversion

One of the great uses of Digital Marketing is the creation of specific campaigns for a standout product or service of your company.

Through Landing Pages, it is possible to create complex projects and campaigns that reach the customer at different stages of the buying process.

These pages are usually the center of the project and for this reason, have a complete focus on conversion.


Technical quality of the site  High Conversion

Pages with a differentiated visual and content focused on the user's pain points so that the conversion rate is high.

Relevance of the domain to be worked on  Integration with CRM's

It is possible to integrate with CRM systems so that the conversions of the page go directly into the company's lead management system.

  Paid Traffic

As a page that receives various campaigns, the page needs to be prepared so that conversions are tracked and quantified for each advertising channel.

Optimization Strategy  Automation Systems

Through various automation systems, it is possible to nurture the user with extra content according to their stage in the project.

Differences of the
RGB Landing Pages


Manageable Pages
via the Panel

Administration panel that allows editing the contents of the page, facilitating changes that naturally occur during the campaign. In addition, it is possible to create A, B tests to compare variations and use the page with the highest conversion.

Landing Pages Generator

In more complex projects, it is possible to adapt our administrative panel so that you can create various manageable Landing Pages for different campaigns.


Integration with
Internal CRM

We know that in smart campaigns, lead tracking is essential. Therefore, it is possible to integrate the conversions of the Landing Pages with your company's CRM through the CRM's API.

Complete Tracking

This integration allows for complete tracking of leads, generating information from the campaign access, through conversion options, negotiation, and final contracting. This generates greater control over ROI and transparency about the campaign results.


Various Options
for Conversion

Landing Pages focused on Paid Traffic Campaigns have different conversions that can trigger actions based on the generated lead. It's possible to have, on the same page, conversions for Newsletter, WhatsApp, Chat, Budget Form, Inquiry Form, and the actual Purchase of a product.

Each of these conversions can trigger different campaign actions so that the chances of the final conversion (product purchase or service hiring) are amplified.


You Need

As a Full Service agency, RGB can produce all the pieces of your campaign, having control from the initial conversion architecture to the production of all the involved works, such as creation of seals and commemorative brands, video production for YouTube, Social Networks, and for the Landing Page itself, production of photos and 3D's of the product, elaboration of texts, development of banners in HTML, and the creation and management of the Paid Traffic Campaign.

Let's talk about your project?

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